Traditional Māori Healing and Wellbeing
Welcome and thank you for visiting

At its essence, the vision is to flow and create a space that welcomes and supports those who feel drawn to our ancestral ways of healing. Together, I hope we can:
Foster Growth: Provide a nurturing space where you can explore, learn and develop your understanding of traditional healing practices and how you might access and explore your own innate ability to self-heal and self-regulate and create a practice that works for you once you leave here.
Give Back: Empower you to embody these practices confidently, understanding the profound impact you have on your overall wellbeing.
Promote Wellbeing: Offer a holistic approach to health that respects and integrates cultural and spiritual practices to enhance your mind, your emotional, spiritual and energetic landscape, and your physical health so you can be at your best.
Te Hono ~ to connect
ki te ~ to
Manawaū ~ your heart, your energy centre
To firmly connect to your heart is to ground and align yourself so that you may have the capacity to embody every part of who you are.
Our intent is simple: to illuminate the path to guide you back home to yourself, empowering you to become a more engaged and vibrant individual and member of your community.

Hēni-Paku Wilson-Babbington
Ngāti Porou | Ngāti Tūwharetoa
I am a māmā first and foremost, to my two beautiful babies (plus 3 furry four-legged ones), and still weaving kōrero into the rich tapestry of my tīpuna ~ancestors~ who knew me long before I remembered myself. It is much easier in person for me to share. However, you can catch glimpses of my journey here and here for now.
In this space, your journey intertwines with mine, and we become co-creators of a story that honours the past whilst embracing the present. Here, the echoes of our tīpuna guide us, their wisdom a gentle breeze that lifts our spirits and illuminates our path. As we immerse ourselves in the serene embrace of Taupō-nui-a-tia te moana, we find solace and strength in the connections we forge, rooted in love and respect for all that has come before us.
The karanga ~ call ~ is soft yet unwavering, assuring you that you are safely held, that the gifts we embody are also yours, and that we will meet you where you are, whenever you are ready to answer.
Together, we embark on a voyage of discovery, where every step is a dance, every breath a waiata ~song~, and every heartbeat a testament to the enduring power of our shared heritage. Let us walk this path together with open hearts and open minds, welcoming the lessons and blessings that await us.
Even in our darkest hours (be it physical, of the mind, emotional or spiritual distress), we have an opportunity to improve ourselves, to make better choices and to be better kaitiaki -caretakers- for ourselves and, therefore, for each other. It requires commitment and consistent effort every day. We are the teacher and the student. Explore the opportunity to evaluate where you are and keep going. Stumbles and falls are there to remind us we can get back up. You are your best expert, provider and healer, but we need a little help sometimes, and that's why I'm here.
If this calls to you, I invite you to meet with me.
Kia tau te rangimārie,
Aroha atu
Hēni Last updated 15 November 2024